• 我们拥有独家的虚拟直播技术,专业的直播团队以及电视台级别的录播、导播设备装置和专业级直播间。建成广州虚拟场景实验室。提供各种演播录制拍摄服务并提供VR、AR、MR、XR等视觉艺术技术的加持。


    We have exclusive virtual live technology, professional live team and TV station - level recording and directing equipment and professional - level broadcast room. Build Guangzhou virtual scene laboratory. Provide all kinds of video recording and shooting services and provide VR, AR, MR, XR and other visual arts technology support.


  • 2020年4月17日中国电信举办【Hello 5G 精彩这一刻】虚拟线上直播,全网推出视频彩铃。通过虚拟直播让全国观众能够在手机或电脑上收看直播。



    On April 17, 2020, China Telecom held "Hello 5G Wonderful Moment" virtual online live broadcast and launched video color bell throughout the network. The virtual livestream will allow viewers across the country to watch it on their mobile phones or computers.


